DevOps in a Regulated and Embedded Environment: Scalability and Resource Concerns

Welcome to the fourth and final post in my series, DevOps in a Regulated and Embedded Environment. In this part, we’ll look at the problems that pop up when the deploy/test environments aren’t virtualizable. I’m assuming that you’ve already read my earlier post on “Git Flow in a Regulated World”. If you haven’t, the short […]

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Fixing a Slow Computer After Downgrading from Windows 10

What happens when you don’t like every feature in Windows 10? I chose to downgrade back to Windows 7. This may trigger issues that cause the computer to slooooooow down. Like many developers, I eagerly upgraded to Windows 10 for testing as soon as it was available. The first thing I noticed was that some of my programs weren’t working as […]

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Spring Batch vs Akka

In this I will talk about Java batch implementations in two different frameworks: Spring Batch and Akka. I looked at both frameworks for a simple ETL program. I ran each of these with a commit size of 1 and of 10. I was curious what types of improvements would be seen for each batch job […]

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Subversion load and performance testing in 10 lines or less?

I needed a quantifiable test that can measure svn performance during a check out. This script take 2 arguments, number of checkouts and parallelism. For example, if I want to run 100 checkout 2 at a time ./ 100 2 or 100 checkouts 50 at a time ./ 100 50 #!/bin/bash i=0;  url=”<a href=”http://mysvnrepo” while”>http://mysvnrepo” while</a> [ $i -lt $1 ]; do […]

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OWASP Top 10 – SQL Injection

As of my last article on XSS, the OWASP organization has released a new Top 10 for 2010 and has placed injection attacks in the number 1 spot. Now that XSS and SQL injection flaws have flipped spots, I will continue the article series using the new Top 10 list. You can find the new OWASP Top 10 […]

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Daily stand up meetings, or huddles as Scrum calls them, are a core Agile practice that promotes communication and project visibility. They are an invaluable tool for identifying but not solving problems. So what do you do when a part of your team is in another city or continent? You iHuddle. Er, ah, what is […]

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Why I write tests first

I was recently having a discussion with some coworkers about test-driven development. There was some discussion about the relative value and cost, and not surprisingly some dramatically different opinions on the subject. It got me thinking about my own habits. I like test-driven development, but I’m not a purist. I almost always write my code with testing […]

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Hierarchy for Ant build properties

When I first start a new Java project, one of the first things I set up is a skeleton Ant build.xml file. I try to set it up so that a new developer on the project should be able to checkout and compile with no configuration. At least that’s the goal. That means setting up some […]

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