Three Questions Developers Need To Ask

While performing software security assessments I have all too often run into developers that are constantly trying to explain away vulnerability findings. They spend way too much time trying to justify the code they have written and explain why it doesn’t need to be changed. All kinds of reasons are given. For example, the access […]

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Web Application Security: OWASP Top 10

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide community focusing on improving the security of web applications. One project developed by OWASP is the OWASP Top 10, which is a list of the most serious web application vulnerabilities. Obviously, there are innumerable ways to hack a web application but this list contains the most common and […]

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Code Analysis with PMD

PMD is a static code analysis tool that examines Java source files and can detect potential problems such as code style issues, code defects, race conditions and even security holes. It provides an inexpensive way to avoid the tedium of repeatedly reviewing a large code base. PMD can also find other types of problems, such as, dead […]

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Hey, Project Manager, Time To Refactor!

If your software is becoming unwieldy, inflexible or inelegant, a good place to start exploring for improvements is in the level of refactoring that is being performed on the code on a day-to-day basis. As a project manager, I learned some key patterns of behavior that served as sure signs that not enough refactoring was […]

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Introducing SecureCI

SecureCI is an open-source continuous integration solution. We’ve assembled a number of open-source tools that we use, installed them in a VMware image and configured them to work together. SecureCI is packaged as a virtual machine that can be run with the VMware Player that way you can be up and running in minutes without […]

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Coveros Releases SecureCI Software Product

Open Source Continuous Integration Product Lowers the Cost of Delivering Secure Software Herndon, Va., September 3, 2009 — Coveros, Inc., a company that helps organizations accelerate the delivery of secure, reliable software, today announced the release of its first secure software development product, SecureCITM. SecureCI provides organizations with an integrated suite of open source tools […]

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Three Preparations For A Software Security Assessment

If your development group or organization has an upcoming software security assessment scheduled here are three things to think about while making your preparations. Assets (Dependencies) – Be sure that you have all application assets together that are needed to build the application. If the assessment will be done in your test/development area then this will […]

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Coveros and Fortify Software Partner on Application Security

Coveros selected by Fortify as Preferred Consulting Partner Herndon, Va., August 26, 2009 — Coveros, Inc., a company that helps organizations accelerate the delivery of secure, reliable software, today announced it has been selected by Fortify Software as a Preferred Consulting Partner. Under the terms of the partnership, Coveros will recommend Fortify’s Software Security Assurance […]

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Sonar for code quality

Sonar is a tool to analyze and visualize code quality in Java projects. It isn’t a static code analysis tool itself, rather it uses a number of open source tools to analyze the code, then Sonar gathers the metrics. Its strength is in providing a dashboard, trend reports, and drill downs to help visualize the state […]

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Three – A Very Special Number

I believe that three is a very special number. I can think of (at least) three things to support my belief: H2O Liquid, Solid, Gas It is what it is, although it exists in three different forms (water, ice, steam). Spacial Dimensions Height, Width, Depth These are used to describe the 3D world in which we […]

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