13 Ways to Improve Maintainability

At a high level, maintainability defines the ease with which changes can be made correctly. Correctness in this sense means that the intended changes are made without introducing unexpected side effects. Code should be structured so as to be easily modifiable. Tests should be in place to prevent regression, ensuring that existing functionality is unaffected […]

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Publishing to GitHub Packages

At Coveros, we have an internal initiative — Codeveros — responsible for creating and maintaining a reference application used by our training courses. Also, we use it for evaluating new tools and technologies and for any other purpose where an application or source code is needed. Codeveros Overview At its core, it is a microservice […]

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Fortify to SonarQube: Part Two

Introduction This is the second part of a two-part blog series describing one method to display Fortify scan results in SonarQube. This blog describes the process to convert the Fortify scan results and display them in SonarQube. For an overview of the entire process, and a detailed description of generating the Fortify SCA results, see […]

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Fortify to SonarQube: Part One

Overview Fortify Static Code Analyzer (SCA) is a Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tool. It can be used to identify security issues early in the development cycle, enabling developers to resolve findings without waiting until the end. This shifting left of security analysis both speeds up and makes more secure the implementation of new functionality […]

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Building a Node.js REST Microservice: Part Three

Introduction This is the third part in a series of tutorials focused on the process of creating, deploying, and consuming a Node.js REST microservices. In part one, I walked through the initial creation process and laid out the path forward. In part two, I connected the Node.js app to a database, and updated the routes […]

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Jenkins Scripted Pipeline: A Groovy Primer
panda eating bamboo

The Jenkins pipeline documentation does a serviceable job describing a Jenkinsfile. There are a number of examples for common tasks, giving code snippets that can be copied and pasted for your own use. When needing to do simple or commonly performed tasks, this method can be sufficient. There is also a helpful pipeline syntax generator […]

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Building a Node.js REST Microservice: Part Two
portrait of a red panda

Introduction This is the second part of a series of tutorials focused on the process of creating, deploying, and consuming a Node.js REST microservice. In part one of this series, I walked through the initial creation process. I demonstrated how to leverage Node.js and just a few modules to create a functioning REST microservice. While […]

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Building a Node.js REST Microservice: Part One
portrait of a red panda

Introduction This is the first in a planned series of tutorials walking through the process of creating, deploying, and consuming a Node.js REST microservice. In this post, I will demonstrate the initial setup and creation of the microservice and its routes. By leveraging just a few Node.js modules, you will quickly have a functional REST […]

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How Not to DevOps: Don’t Be Afraid
Clay figures reacting in fright

A Little History A number of years ago, I was part of a team supporting a US Federal Government program office responsible for bringing DevOps best practices to that agency’s programs. We acted as curators of tools, advocates of best practices, and maintainers of the deployment pipelines and procedures. Through this, we ensured the successful […]

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