The Curious Case of Incomplete Work at the End of a Sprint

Scrum and other agile processes advocate using time-boxed periods called a sprint or iteration in order to focus a team on getting work done. The idea is that the team will select an amount of work about this size of their capacity and commit to completing that work during the sprint. How the team decides […]

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Deploying, Running Applications in Docker Containers

Deploying and running applications in Containers is one of the hottest trends in DevOps and IT today. Docker, a containerization platform that lets users easily package, deploy, and manage their applications within containers, is principally responsible for bringing containers to the mainstream. This article provides information about what containers are, their relationship with DevOps, and […]

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Generate Parameter Values Dynamically in Jenkins
Single Sign On

I am currently working on implementing Single Sign-On (SSO) for the entire Coveros domain. This project required me to implement a process to add current Coveros employees into our FreeIPA server as well as account for any future employees that will be onboarded. In order to deal with this problem, a script was written which […]

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Sonatype’s New Nexus Lifecycle Helps Teams Migrate Open Source Libraries
Sonatype Lifecycle

For a variety of reasons, a lot of companies are moving to an Agile, DevOps Culture, Continuous Integration and Delivery/Deployment (CI/CD) model. These transformations rely on a variety of tools, including open source. A lot of organizations also use open source tools and libraries to develop their applications and in order to ensure security, these […]

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Start Using Gradlew

Gradle is very powerful build automation tool.  It supports numerous languages, has a wide array of plugins to choose from, or write your own, easily manage dependencies, and integrates with the build systems such as Jenkins.  Gradle makes it very easy to execute common build tasks and even execute commands on the operating system shell. […]

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How to build SonarQube into PhpStorm for source code analysis

The software development IDE, JetBrains PhpStorm, is a versatile tool to incorporate into a DevOps pipeline. One useful method of expanding upon its native features is to add the SonarQube plugin to provide source code analysis. Step-by-step documentation is scattered or insufficient, so I have compiled an explanation of the process, with accompanying screenshots. This does […]

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Why DevOps Engineering Is Important

The following is an edited excerpt from our webinar that took place March 10, 2015. The entire recording may be viewed here:  This is the first in a series of webinars on DevOps Engineering and discussed why DevOps Engineering is important.  The webinar was given by Mr. Jeffery Payne and Mr. Richard Mills of […]

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From Naivety to Negligence

I understand the plight of senior executives, I really do.  Most don’t have a software background and that makes it difficult for them to fully understand application security.  But when security breeches are caused by basic, simple code vulnerabilities that can be found using readily available tools, it makes me wonder how serious businesses even […]

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