DevOps Pipeline Quality Gates – A Double Edged Sword

There has been much discussion about the many benefits of “moving testing left,” and our experts will tell you that doing so by having automated testing (Quality Gates) integrated into your build pipelines is a critical success factor for the rapid build and deploy process automation necessary to truly reap the benefits of Agile. That […]

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What are Jenkins Pipelines and What is a Jenkinsfile?

‘Pipeline as code’ or defining the deployment pipeline through code rather than configuring a running CI/CD tool, provides tremendous benefits for teams automating infrastructure across their environments. One of the most popular ways to implement a pipeline as code is through Jenkins Pipeline. Jenkins, an open source automation server, is used to automate tasks associated […]

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Deploying, Running Applications in Docker Containers

Deploying and running applications in Containers is one of the hottest trends in DevOps and IT today. Docker, a containerization platform that lets users easily package, deploy, and manage their applications within containers, is principally responsible for bringing containers to the mainstream. This article provides information about what containers are, their relationship with DevOps, and […]

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Coveros releases new version of SecureCI™

SecureCI™, the industry’s first and only open-source continuous integration solution, just got better! Fairfax, VA., January 16, 2014 — Coveros, the market leader in the delivery of secure, reliable software, announced today availability of the newest version of SecureCI™ which includes updated and integrated versions of best in class open source products for source code […]

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Security Testing: Web Application Fuzz Testing

Fuzz testing or Fuzzing, a technique originated in 1988 by Professor Barton Miller at the University of Wisconsin, is a software testing technique where invalid, unexpected, and or random data is input into the system at various levels in an effort to uncover unexpected system behaviors and system failures including system crashes, failing code assertions, […]

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