DevOps Isn’t Just about Releasing Faster

When organizations start moving to DevOps, one of the first things they focus on is automation. It makes sense: Automated deployment tools are easy to explain, and implementing them usually shows value right away. But speed isn’t the only reason (or even the best one) to move to DevOps and an automated release pipeline. Stronger […]

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What are Jenkins Pipelines and What is a Jenkinsfile?

‘Pipeline as code’ or defining the deployment pipeline through code rather than configuring a running CI/CD tool, provides tremendous benefits for teams automating infrastructure across their environments. One of the most popular ways to implement a pipeline as code is through Jenkins Pipeline. Jenkins, an open source automation server, is used to automate tasks associated […]

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Deploying, Running Applications in Docker Containers

Deploying and running applications in Containers is one of the hottest trends in DevOps and IT today. Docker, a containerization platform that lets users easily package, deploy, and manage their applications within containers, is principally responsible for bringing containers to the mainstream. This article provides information about what containers are, their relationship with DevOps, and […]

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6 Steps to a Successful DevOps Adoption

Figuring out the most optimal way to enable agility and rapidly deliver services to customers—without compromising quality—continues to be one of our industry’s biggest challenges. Many IT leaders agree that implementing DevOps practices can significantly accelerate software releases while still assuring our applications meet quality objectives. If you’re considering a move to a DevOps delivery […]

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Essential Quantitative DevOps Metrics

Change is never easy. Change is even harder when you’re unsure whether your DevOps implementation is changing your team/application/organization for the better or worse. One of the biggest mistakes organizations make when adopting sweeping process or technology changes is a failing to identify measures to determine whether they are trending in a positive direction and when they […]

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The Most Important Metric for your DevOps Pipeline

Quality feedback is essential to any software delivery project and the best way to improve feedback is to reduce the developer feedback cycle and make any (and every) result transparent to the project, its members and its stakeholders.  You should continue to mesure and broadcast results through communication mechanisms commonly referred to as “information radiators.” […]

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