Is Behavior-Driven Development Right for Your Team?
behavior driven development

If you are currently applying agile principles and run into situations where the team’s outcome occasionally deviates from the business needs, you might consider applying Behavior-Driven-Development (BDD). BDD is a mechanism for fostering collaboration and discovery through examples. – Dan North BDD is a way to “shift left” the validation of the work, ensuring it […]

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Making Cucumber Glue Code More Explicit with Transformers

I’ve talked before about how important it is to make your BDD glue code as specific as possible, so that anyone reading your Gherkin, knows exactly what that action is supposed to perform. Even my co-workers have noticed this as a problem, and have suggested implementations to help. In a post several years ago, I […]

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Introduction It’s been a while since I’ve posted about some BDD work, but I’ve recently gotten back into it using Behave. Over the next few months, I’ll be posting more and more, as I get deeper into the tool, but I figure I’ll start with a comparison based on my initial work. This post will […]

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