Engineering Your DevOps Solution: Building a Pipeline that Scales

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS CONTACT: David Burke [email protected]   [February 28, 2015, Fairfax, Virginia] DevOps practitioners, technical leads of development groups, operations managers, project managers and senior leadership trying to derive maximum return on their investment are signing up for a free opportunity to hear from the experts.  On March 10th at 12:00pm EST Jeffery […]

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The Journey to Continuous Delivery
Continuous Discussions

This past week I had the privilege of being a panelist in a #c9d9 webinar about “The Journey to Continuous Delivery”. Continuous Discussions (#c9d9): Episode 10 Recap – Continuous Delivery I joined several other panelists as we discussed several questions: How Agile are you? Do you have a CD champion? What does your tool chain […]

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Coveros Partners with InfoZen on USCIS Transformation Integration Award

Coveros Partners with InfoZen on USCIS Transformation Integration Award Program will accelerate delivery of USCIS software projects Loudoun County, VA, August 28, 2014 — Coveros, Inc., the market leader in secure software development, today announced that it has partnered with InfoZen on the contract that was awarded 10/22/2013 with the performance start date of 2/4/2014 […]

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Successfully Responding to “Crisis-Mode”

Crisis management is a tough job. The biggest problem isn’t solving the technical problem — given a little time, you surely can solve it.  It often involves planning and anticipating crises will occur.  Good crisis management has a contingency plan and always gives themselves a bit of wiggle room to avoid the necessary shifting priorities.  […]

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Hope Is Not a Strategy

One of my all-time favorite sales books is entitled Hope Is Not a Strategy.  It’s a book about how to properly manage sales teams and opportunities.  But I often use this slogan when talking to senior executives about their unrealistic software project expectations.  When teams push back on unrealistic project release schedules, story estimates, or […]

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Holes in Whole Team Quality

The concept of whole team quality is a good one.  Everybody on a project should be responsible for quality.  Unfortunately, there are often holes in our whole team quality approach.  Here are a few I’ve seen: No definition of Done – It’s difficult to achieve quality if you don’t define what it means!  So many […]

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The Benefits of Self-directed Teams

When talking about the activities critical to agile success, one often hears about daily huddles, continuous integration, and user acceptance testing, but I’ve found that the agile principle of Self-directed Teams is equally important.  Teams should be allowed to estimate and assign their own work for a variety of reasons: 1) Estimates will be more […]

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Security Testing in an Agile World: An Interview with Jeff Payne

Summary: Jeffrey Payne sat down with Noel Wurst to discuss a range of topics, including advice for teams that are attempting agile for the first time, the importance of clear communication between teams, and the ways that security testing has changed alongside modern technology. Complete Article: Agile Connection May 2 2013 article – Security Testing in […]

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Coveros CTO Tom Stiehm on Implementing Cloud-Based DevOps for distributed Agile projects

Coveros CTO Tom Stiehm is presenting a conference session on Implementing Cloud-Based DevOps for distributed Agile projects at ADCWest / BSCWest in Las Vegas June 5, 2013 Cloud-based development, delivery, and deployment environments are the future of IT operations. Thomas Stiehm shares the hard-learned lessons of setting up and running cloud-based solutions that implement DevOps […]

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Integrating Security into Continuous Delivery

Tom Stiehm, Coveros CTO, is presenting Integrating Security into Continuous Delivery at DC Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment Group Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at Blackboard Inc. (650 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC (map)) starting at 6:30PM. The Internet is full of insecure applications that cost organizations money and time, while damaging their reputations when their […]

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