Coveros CTO Tom Stiehm is presenting a conference session on Implementing Cloud-Based DevOps for distributed Agile projects at ADCWest / BSCWest in Las Vegas June 5, 2013

Cloud-based development, delivery, and deployment environments are the future of IT operations. Thomas Stiehm shares the hard-learned lessons of setting up and running cloud-based solutions that implement DevOps for geographically distributed agile projects. Thomas describes how to best leverage the cloud to enable your teams to use it effectively. Learn why cloud software delivery is different from traditional software delivery environments, and how to optimize your platform and team to get the most out of the cloud. Geographically-distributed software delivery teams are now the norm for large projects, and the cloud is a perfect enabler to level the playing field for your distributed teams and to give them all the same ability to achieve high productivity. Since the road to the cloud isn’t always paved, learn many of the trade-offs that must be made to implement cloud-based delivery and discover the situations that will derail a move to cloud-based development.

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For more information please visit: ADC/BSC West

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