Security Testing: Web Application Testing with WebSecurify

One of the biggest trends in issues in web application testing today is Security Testing.  Most people know their web application is important for their business; no one wants a big security breach. With hackers becoming more and more sophisticated, and vulnerabilities becoming easier and easier to exploit the odds are not in your favor. […]

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Introducing SecureCI

SecureCI is an open-source continuous integration solution. We’ve assembled a number of open-source tools that we use, installed them in a VMware image and configured them to work together. SecureCI is packaged as a virtual machine that can be run with the VMware Player that way you can be up and running in minutes without […]

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Why I write tests first

I was recently having a discussion with some coworkers about test-driven development. There was some discussion about the relative value and cost, and not surprisingly some dramatically different opinions on the subject. It got me thinking about my own habits. I like test-driven development, but I’m not a purist. I almost always write my code with testing […]

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The Agile Test Strategy Document…it does exist!

It is a common mis-perception that agile methodologies view planning and documentation as dated, time-wasting practices that should be avoided. While it is true that the agile manifesto asks us to value response to change over adherence to (static) plans, and working code over comprehensive documentation, it does not ask us to push planning and […]

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