6 Steps to a Successful DevOps Adoption

Figuring out the most optimal way to enable agility and rapidly deliver services to customers—without compromising quality—continues to be one of our industry’s biggest challenges. Many IT leaders agree that implementing DevOps practices can significantly accelerate software releases while still assuring our applications meet quality objectives. If you’re considering a move to a DevOps delivery […]

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TechWell Announces Coveros CEO Jeffery Payne as AgileConnection Technical Editor
Jeff Payne Training

Jacksonville, FL (May 26, 2017) — TechWell Corporation, an industry leader in software improvement conferences, training, and online communities, has announced that Jeffery Payne will be the new technical editor of the AgileConnection online community. AgileConnection is growing in popularity and in members as one of the largest online sources for articles, interviews, and a […]

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