DevOps in the Trenches: Get Started with Metrics

While it is nice when an enterprise recognizes the value of getting everyone working together in an end-to-end value stream, the reality is that’s not where most DevOps initiatives start. Often, one particular silo decides there is value in working more closely with others and seeks ways to do so. I call this “DevOps in […]

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3 Ways to Have Fun at Work and Improve Productivity

Happiness looks different for everyone, but one thing’s for sure: when asked to define happiness, most people don’t think about their nine-to-five. Your job is meant to be serious business. You clock in in the morning, grind through your daily tasks, and call it quits. Ultimately, you’re there to help your company make money. But […]

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Getting the Most out of Your Agile Meetings

One of the most common complaints of any software team during a retrospective is the issue of too many meetings. While agile ceremonies have the potential to provide a lot of value to the team when done correctly, often teams find themselves frustrated because the meetings did not provide enough (or any) benefit for the […]

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How Testers Can Collaborate with the ScrumMaster

Most of the organizations I work with are embracing agile or some variant of lean development and delivery. While agile has been around for a while, there are still several organizations that are just beginning their agile transformation journey or are continuing to refine their agile practices. In the Scrum implementation of agile, we have […]

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The Relationship between Agile and DevOps

Many are beating the drum that DevOps is something new and different—just like agile was new and different before it. Make no mistake, DevOps fixes an age-old conflict between software development and operational teams, but it’s not new. In fact, the DevOps philosophy is ingrained within the Agile Manifesto, and one could argue that DevOps […]

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Growing Generalized Specialists on an Agile Team

It’s difficult for an agile team comprised solely of specialists to be fully productive. If team members are unable to help others with their tasks, the team will not maximize its potential. The agile community calls team members who are capable of working in a variety of roles generalized specialists. A generalized specialist is not […]

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