I recently had the pleasure of being introduced to the team over at LambdaTest. LambdaTest runs a cross-browser cloud infrastructure that allows the execution of Appium and Selenium tests remotely. I was intrigued to learn more about their infrastructure and tooling, as it seemed like something that should fit in nicely with Selenified.

I signed up for a free account, and low and behold, Selenified worked without any issues, right out of the box. All I had to do was provide a hub location and pass in my credentials; the same way I would for any other remote tool.

mvn verify -Dhub=https://[LT_USERNAME]:[LT_ACCESS_KEY]@hub.lambdatest.com

And that was literally it, my tests ran on Lambda, and I was able to log in, and view the results in the Automation window. Of course, all of my results and screenshots were still locally available, as well as the additional log files.

A Step Further

Like most third-party tools, once the test completes, Lambda marks it as such. Lambda has no insight into whether the test was a success or failure, just whether something errored out or not. So, to that end, I decided to use Lambda’s custom hooks to have Lambda properly reflect the test status.

Lambda has some great online documentation, and I was able to quickly find out how to update the test status. There were two options I saw: make use of LambdaTest API or LambdaTest Annotations to track the pass/fail status of a test. Due to the nature of Selenified’s setup, I decided to make use of LambdaTest’s APIs.

Simply put, after each test is done executing, Selenified reaches out to Lambda and updates the execution status. And that’s it, no need for the user to do anything else. As a result, logging into Lambda shows the same status as the local test execution.

The Selenified 3.2.1 release contains this new functionality and allows seamless execution and updates without the user needing to do anything.

As always happy testing, and drop your comments below.

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