Thank you for your interest!

There are multiple ways to get started with SecureCI, and while SecureCI is a turnkey, out of the box solution, many organizations who are unfamiliar with Continuous Integration (CI) may want assistance to effectively deploy and leverage SecureCI. Coveros provides a number of services to support these needs:

  • SecureCI Jumpstart – a week long consulting engagement to help install, configure, and run SecureCI on a critical software project.
  • 3rd Party Tool Integration support – many organizations already have existing defect tracking or build management software. Coveros can help port or integrate these tools into SecureCI so you can leverage your existing investments.
  • SecureCI Training – a two day course that teaches the fundamentals of CI and how to use SecureCI to its maximum capability.


If you are ready to get started with the SecureCI product now, we have two ways for you to obtain and use SecureCI today:

  • Coveros Hosted Instance(s) – Coveros can provide suite support for hosting and managing SecureCI™ instances, including rolling updates and bug fixes into a production instance. Contact us today to get started.
  • Coveros also offers SecureCI as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that can be run as a live hosted instance in Amazon’s EC2 Cloud. Visit this blog for information about getting started and running a free “micro” sized instance for 12 months. The latest SecureCI Public AMI is available on Amazon (Eastern Region) and can be easily located using the following search information:

    AMI ID: ami-0168a47aa90dfc3c4

    AMI Name: SecureCI-2018-Q3

    Publisher: Coveros

    User: ubuntu

  • Download our SecureCI VMware machine image here:

    User: ubuntu

    Password: password

For assistance with any aspect of the Coveros SecureCI product, please contact us at [email protected]