October, 2017
01OctAll Day02Mobile Application TestingASTQB Accredited CourseSTARWEST - Anaheim, CA
Event Details
As tablets and smartphones take a larger portion of the market share, testers will face pressure to test their web applications for mobile devices and potentially test their own organizations
Event Details
As tablets and smartphones take a larger portion of the market share, testers will face pressure to test their web applications for mobile devices and potentially test their own organizations native mobile applications. To test mobile devices, in this fast paced, ever-changing industry, testers must learn to deliver quick, extensive, and successful tests on mobile devices.
Many testers attempt to apply what they know to mobile testing, and why that may work for some functional testing, it often leaves many critical features untested. Untested, critical deaths can mean a swift end to a mobile application thus, learning how to identify common issues in mobile applications and how to properly test the unique aspects of a mobile application is the only way to be successful. This course will cover usability across multiple platforms and resolutions, network and security testing, creating application unit tests, mobile UI Automation, and Performance Testing for various devices over various networks and carriers.
NEW! – Coveros is now an ASTQB-Accredited Software Testing Course Provider for the ASTQB Mobile certification! Successful completion of this course prepares and qualifies students for the ASTQB Mobile Tester certification exam.
October 1 (Sunday) - 2 (Monday) PST
STARWEST - Anaheim, CA
1150 West Magic Way