Red Tape and Federated Users

Background A client recently wanted to move several DevOps and scanning tools into the cloud, to which they were in the process of proving out and transitioning. We had a number of security scanning and static analysis tools, along with corresponding dashboards and a continuous integration server to orchestrate them. All of these tools were […]

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Debunking 4 Myths of DevSecOps Adoption

Every day organizations incorporate DevSecOps into their software development, security, and operations practices to ensure they can build critical security controls into their agile software delivery. According to one survey, 84 percent of respondents said it’s difficult to reduce risk to their applications because they’re not able to monitor, detect, and prevent attacks at the application level. […]

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How to Get Security Groups to Join Your DevSecOps Journey

DevSecOps shifts security practices left and assures earlier that your application isn’t vulnerable to breaches. But convincing a security group to get on board with your DevSecOps journey may not be an easy task. These four points can help you prove to your security group that DevSecOps is in everyone’s best interest.

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DevOps and Security: 5 Principles for DevSecOps

With the trend toward a more continuous delivery and deployment process, late-lifecycle activities like security assurance present a significant hurdle to continuously delivering value to customers. DevSecOps addresses this by shifting security assurance activities, personnel, and automation closer to development.

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Agile and DevOps Bring the Focus Back on Quality
Magnifying glass on colored paper

I’ve had the privilege (and the many challenges) of working in IT for more than three decades. Early in my career I tended to accept things as they were presented, following the techniques, processes, guidelines, and approaches I was taught by my peers and managers. As I gained experience and wisdom, I became a better independent thinker and started to connect the dots and ask questions.

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Continuous Security in Agile Development
Padlock on a green door

The word continuous gets thrown around a lot when talking about agile and DevOps. One area that often doesn’t get enough attention is how to continuously build, test, and deliver secure applications.Just like for quality, you can’t test security in, so you need to have a plan for how to build it in from the ground up. Here are some tips on how to do that.

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The Value of Security Testing in QA

For many organizations, traditional testing groups are separated from the IT security group. But having traditional testers perform some security testing efforts is a great way of achieving a balanced approach to shifting left while being mindful of staffing and budgetary challenges. It also has some great advantages.

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Integrating Threat Modeling into Agile Development

Adopting agile in your program comes with inherent benefits around transparency and delivery, but it also often requires changes to other business practices to align with a more iterative way of developing software. Threat modeling helps you determine where to focus your security testing efforts when building your app, so it’s a useful practice. But one […]

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Making Security a First Class Citizen in DevOps

I recently had the opportunity to do a web seminar with Jeff Payne about using open source tools for DevSecOps. In our discussion, I made the point that the goal of DevSecOps is to make application security a first-class citizen in the DevOps process. Making application security a first-class citizen improves the quality of your […]

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