Passing -P Parameters From One Gradle Script To Another

In Gradle, you can pass properties to a build script in many different ways. You could pass it via, you could pass through the -D (jvm params) options, or you could pass through the -P option (project properties). I was facing a situation where I needed to call one Gradle build script from my […]

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Introduction to the Workflow plugin Part 2

This blog post will be a continuation of this blog. The next feature within Workflow is Gates and Approvals, which allows for human intervention before promotion of code or continuing the workflow. Say we want to alert someone (via email) to validate that our deploy was successful and we should run our test suite. You […]

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Automating Security with DevOps: It can work

DevOps and Security have often been considered mutually exclusive. Both are imperative to developing high-quality applications, but continue to be seen as entirely separate processes. Tools that combine DevOps and Security tend to only integrate static security code analysis, and do so within the early stages of Continuous Integration. These scans are performed simultaneously, running […]

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Zero to Continuous at the speed of Jenkins

I recently gave two versions of a talk at Jenkins User Conference 2015 World Tour in Washington, D.C. Here are the slides for anyone who wants to review them: JUC Zero to Jenkins. That talk comes in two forms which you will notice from two cover pages. Zero to Federated at the Speed of Jenkins – […]

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Introduction to the Workflow plugin Part 1

The Workflow plugin is an open source plugin (or paid plugin available with Enterprise Jenkins by Cloudbees) that solves the challenge of complex build and delivery pipelines in Jenkins, and does so by using a Groovy DSL. Packaged with the core Workflow plugin, are other supporting plugins that increase the usefulness of the Workflow plugin. […]

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The “Agile, But…”

For better or worse, the life of a consultant is filled with challenge, politics and a lot of learning. Working with a client that has difficulties solving a problem or has key “processes problems” that will always hinder success is part of the challenge.  In recent years, I’ve seen a new trend in companies and […]

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Engineering Your DevOps Webinar: Introducing Max Saperstone

[June 16, 2015 Fairfax, VA] Coveros announces its special guest for Wednesday’s Engineering Your DevOps webinar. Max Saperstone, who leads the company’s Agile Testing and Test Automation practice, will join Jeffery Payne and Richard Mills to present at 12pm EDT on June 17 on the topic Integrating Automated Testing Into DevOps. Max Saperstone has been […]

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Compatibility For Mobile Web Apps

Introduction One major problem with writing a good mobile web app, is that it needs to run over ALL of the devices out there. While there a plenty of hacks to get your mobile site to only load/respond on certain device, it’s generally frowned upon, and not best practice. There are multiple ways to set […]

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